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Bay Explorers

My vision is to inspire families of all backgrounds to explore, be present, and have fun with their children in the Bay Area.

Bay Explorer Relaunch

I am so excited to relaunch Bay Explorer's Bigger and Better site!

It started out as a blog site. I was getting a ton of spam and was unhappy with the service I was using so I decided to build my own website from scratch. I wanted my pages to be easy for everyone to navigate. I really wanted to use drop down tabs with specified categories that would be more user friendly. It took a lot of work, many crammed in hours while my baby was napping, but I am very happy with the results! I hope you are too.

As with anything that is new I am sure once it is up and running there will be some kinks to work out, so I appreciate any constructive feedback and will try to use it to make the proper adjustments. I'm quite proud of how far I have come and I am excited to share it with parents and care givers.

I hope this will be a useful tool for everyone to use when deciding where to take their children to have a good time. I hope it inspires you to get away from your TV, get outside into the world and explore your surroundings! Living in the Bay Area we are so fortunate to have so many great opportunities at our fingertips and to have great adventures with our children. I hope this incites many people to become Bay Explorer's themselves!

We are Bay Explorers...

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