Bay Explorer
Alameda County Fair
Location: Alameda County Fairgrounds 4501 Pleasanton Ave. Pleasanton, Ca. 94566
Phone: 925 426-7600
Website: http://annual.alamedacountyfair.com/
Pricing: $$
Hours: Tuesday- Sunday 11am-11pm
Description: The Alameda County fair is the essence of what you think of when you think of a fair- spinning rides, cotton candy, bright lights, farm animals, fried foods, carnival games with oversized prizes, music, and motorcycles. The fair is not something I would not want to go to every weekend but I do look forward to visiting it once a year. Pretty much every ride has to do with spinning- me and my daughter had a really hearty laugh and scream on one of the fast spinning rides. Took my youngest on the mellow merry-go-round which delighted her. And my oldest got a kick out of the tall slide and fun house. The games are easy to win if no one else is playing and there is always a chance to win a prize of a big stuffed animal or cheap trinket. There is livestock to see and pet, motorcycle tricks, and every night features a different live band. Lots of greasy, big, overpriced food to choose from. As well as some featured crafts stands in the back. At night time the fair lights up in colorful cheer.
Highlights: I went on the spinning ride with my daughter, although it made my aging stomach slightly nautious, we couldn't stop laughing and screaming together as we slid around the seat uncontrollably. There was something about spinning, screaming, and laughing that bonded us closer together that night- she held my hand the whole way out to the car!
Tips: Buy tickets online ahead of time! The line for tickets is very long when you get there and if you already have them you can cut everyone!