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Bay Explorers

My vision is to inspire families of all backgrounds to explore, be present, and have fun with their children in the Bay Area.

Unplugged with Nature

This past weekend we went camping in Big Sur. This was the first time I have been camping since I have had our second daughter. So it's been maybe four years since we last went camping. I haven't spent much time in Big Sur so I was looking for a cheap way to spend the night out there. $75 split 3 ways was a great way to save money while getting out of the Bay Area fro the weekend. Camping seemed like a good idea and I am so grateful that we did!

Now before I get on to anything first things first: camping is work! It is a lot of packing, unpacking, and repacking! Plus if you are not someone who is experienced (like me) it helps to go with a crew who is (like I did). There are some things I would of never though of and remembered on my own liiiike- you need firewood and a good way to light the fire. The fire is like your life line for cooking food and staying warm! I have a pretty straightforward tent but it definitely helped to have someone there coaching me since I haven't used it in a few years. Air mattress- this was so key! My back would have died had I not had one, especially being pregnant! It gets cold at night! Luckily I knew that one: so sleeping bags plus at least two extra blankets, realistically I wouldn't have minded one more. Coolers, fire friendly food, tin foil, towels, flashlights, and BATTERIES lol are some key ingredients to a pleasant stay. Now onto the weekend...

First of all the drive down Highway 1 to get to Big Sur is gorgeous! You could spend a day enjoying yourself just passing through the scenic cliffs overlooking the sparkling oceans.

We stayed at the Fernwood Resort. A little campground nestled away among the trees and right next to the the Big Sur River flowing through. We had a nice sized group and easily fit 3 tents on our space. Each space had a fire pit and picnic table, and conveniently for us was right across from the bathroom and showers.

No TV, no phone service, just completely unplugged in nature! The kids had so much fun exploring everything around them. My oldest 8 and a half year old was climbing every mountain side, on a spare wood hunt, made friends with other kids camping her age, and was floating down the river on her inflatable crocodile like a pro. My youngest had fun splashing in the creek, playing in the sand, balancing on tree stumps, and swinging in the hammock.

Beaches were very close and easily accessible. The first beach we happened upon was Garrapata Beach. We were sort of booted away from our first choice which was Pheiffer Beach but I'm glad we were because we ended up spending all Sunday there. Garrapata was back North up Highway 1 going back towards Monterey. I couldn't find a walkable beach and then saw a bunch of cars pulled over parked to the side and decided that it musty mean there was an accessible beach down below. And there was lol! So we really just found it by chance. It was beautiful and picturesque! We spent a couple hours here playing in the sand and watching the sun setting.

The next day we visited Pheiffer Beach. Due to the Big Sur marathon Highway 1 was closed for the day which sort of benefited us because by the time we went to Pheiffer Beach there was barely anybody there. Sure there were some but for the most part it was very quiet and relaxed. Pheiffer Beach may be one of the best beaches I have been to, and that's saying a lot because I have been to A LOT of beaches.

Pheiffer beach is beautiful! The beach itself has soft sands that have black and purple tint to it. There is a river running through the middle with calmer waters our younger children enjoyed playing in. Rolling lush green mountains with blooming purple flowers growing off the sides. The hills themselves were a brownish redish color with intricate grooves. There were two keyhole caves with waves crashing through them. If I imagined hard enough I pretended I was on a beach in Hawaii. It was so gorgeous there, my pictures came out amazing but don't even do the situation justice!

The weekend was so much fun! I love seeing my children playing in nature with no worry or care about the TV! Children just make stuff up to do when you give them the space to explore and be free! Love my wild and free children!

We are Bay Explorers...

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