Bay Explorer
Head Over Heels
Location: 4701 Doyle St, Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: 510-655-1265
Website: www.hohathleticarts.com
Pricing: $$$
Hours: Daily schedule varies, check website for details
Description: Head Over Heels is a fun place!!! H.O.H is a gymnastics gym located in Emeryville, where your child can get all their tumbling and exercise needs met through open play gym, special extracurricular classes, summer camp sessions, and have awesome birthday parties. I was first introduced to H.O.H when my daughter was invited to a birthday party there (the first of many). Giant trampolines, balance beams, climbing bars, big balls, and platforms compose the play area where children are free to have fun and explore during open gym and parties. But my daughter's absolute favorite thing to do there is swing from the trapeze in to the giant foam pit. She literally will do it ten times in a row! Head Over Heels also offer summer camps and weekday camps for days when school is out. This is one of my daughter's absolute favorite camps to go to, she always wants more! I had the pleasure of attending one of their shows that the kids participate in after summer camp, too cute! My daughter and all the other children were proud to show off their new found moves in their leotards. My daughter was very happy that she learned how to do a summersalt and walk the balance beam. This camp and classes give a great confidence boost! Even though my daughter didn't quite perfect the cartwheel, she looked real proud of herself for trying as all the parents clapped and cheered her on.
Highlights: Hassle-free parties! It was one of the easiest birthday parties we have ever thrown! All we had to do was bring the food and show up! They instruct the children and guide them through their free play time with a courteous instructor. They also set up the decorations and tables for you. So easy, and the children and parents (who can participate too) have a fun time!
Tips: Get your child a leotard, they will feel incomplete without one during camp sessions.